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Quick overview of all our Sunday school lessons

Old Testament


The garden of Eden
Adam and Eve want to be like God
Cain and Abel, the first two brothers
The tower of Babel

Life of Abram

Abram is called by God
Abram's journey to the promised land
Abram and Lot separate
Abram counts the stars
Abram and Hagar
Abraham and his three visitors
Abraham sends Hagar and Ishmael away
Abraham sacrifices his son Isaac

Life of Jacob

A wife for Isaac
Jacob deceives Isaac and Esau
Jacob's dream at Bethel
Jacob marries Leah and Rachel
Jacob's journey home to Esau

Life of Joseph

Joseph and his coat of many colours
Joseph thrown into the well
Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
Joseph and Pharaoh’s dreams
Joseph's brothers first trip to Egypt
Joseph forgives his brother

Life of Ruth

Naomi and Ruth go back home
Ruth and Boaz get married


Psalm 1 - A tree planted by streams of water
Psalm 3 - King David finds refuge with God
Psalm 18 - With my God I can jump over a wall
Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd
Psalm 24 - Taking care of God's creation
Psalm 139 - The Lord is always with you
Psalm 142 - I cry out to the Lord for help
Psalm 146 - Trust in the Lord
Psalm 150 - Praise the Lord


Isaiah dreams of peace   
People in darkness see a great light
For to us a child is born        

Life of Esther

Esther becomes queen
Esther saves her people

Life of Nehemiah

Nehemiah and the wall of Jerusalem
Nehemiah persists despite opposition

Life of Jonah

Jonah and the big fish
Jonah and the small worm


New Testament

Advent & Christmas

People in darkness see a great light
For to us a child is born
Zechariah meets the angel Gabriel
Mary meets the angel Gabriel
Mary meets Elisabeth
The birth of John the Baptist
The birth of Jesus Christ
Shepherds: From their flocks to a stable
Three wise men following the star

Life of Jesus

Jesus presented at the temple
The 12 year old Jesus teaches in the temple
John the Baptist called by God
The baptism of Jesus
Jesus tempted in the desert
The calling of the disciples
Jesus rejected in Nazareth
Healing of Peter's mother-in-law
Jesus heals a man with leprosy
The healing of the paralysed man through the roof
The calling of Levi
Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter and the woman suffering from bleeding
Is Jesus more than a carpenter?
The Rich Young Ruler
Zacchaeus welcomes Jesus

Jesus according to the Gospel of John

Jesus turns water into wine
Jesus and the Samaritan woman
Jesus heals a paralysed man at Bethesda
Jesus heals a man born blind
Jesus is the Good Shepherd
Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
Jesus prepares the disciples for his departure

Parables of Jesus                                           

The parable of the ten virgins
The parable of the talents
The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
The parable of the Good Samaritan
The parable of the great banquet
The parable of the sower
The parable of the lost sheep
The parable of the lost coin
The parable of the prodigal son

Teachings of Jesus

Let your light shine      
Be careful with your words
Love your enemies too
Our Father in heaven    
For yours is the kingdom   
The splinter and the plank  


Palm Sunday 1: Hosanna to the king
Palm Sunday 2: Humble on a donkey
Jesus is betrayed by his friends
Jesus, Barabbas and Pontius Pilate
Jesus is a different kind of King
Jesus, king of the Jews
Why have you forsaken me?
Father into Your hands…
The empty tomb
He is risen!
On the road to Emmaus 1: Broken hearts are healed
On the road to Emmaus 2: From despair to hope
Jesus appears to his disciples
The denial and restoration of Peter


The ascension of Jesus
Matthias chosen as the new apostle
Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit
Pentecost, the Holy Spirit changes everything
The unity of the early church

Letters of Paul

Philippians - Living like Christ

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