Theme: Greed / selfishness
Greed / selfishness in the Bible: Creative activities for your children's ministry
Greed and selfishness are topics that are addressed many times in the Bible. These behaviors are often seen as negative and contrary to God's teachings and ways. The Bible teaches that we should be generous, selfless, and think of others before ourselves.
In the Bible, greed and selfishness are often portrayed as dangerous, leading to harm and destruction. For example, the story of King Ahab and Jezebel, who were consumed by their desire for wealth and power, is a powerful example of the dangers of greed. On the other hand, there are also examples of people who lived selfless and generous lives, such as the Good Samaritan and the widow who gave all she had.
As children's workers, it is important to teach children about the dangers of greed and selfishness, and to help them understand the importance of living a life that is focused on others and on serving God. By teaching them the Bible's teachings on these topics, we can help children grow in their faith and become more like Jesus, who modeled selflessness and generosity for us.
On this page you will find creative ideas, resources and activities relating to the topic of greed and selfishness, which you can use in your Bible lessons, Sunday school, kidmin, kid’s ministry, elementary school or homeschooling.