Theme: Wisdom
Wisdom in the Bible: Creative activities for your children's ministry
Wisdom is a valuable and important characteristic that is praised and sought after in the Bible. It is not just about having knowledge, but using that knowledge to make good decisions and lead a righteous life. We can learn about wisdom from various Bible verses and stories, and use these teachings to help guide and shape the next generation. Let's dive in and discover the wisdom the Bible has to offer!
Wisdom, at its deepest level, is something quite different from knowledge. Knowledge is what you know. Wisdom has everything to do with how you handle this knowledge. A wise person handles their knowledge, power and resources in such a way that it is best for themselves, for others, for creation and for God. Wisdom is perhaps the greatest gem we human beings can find or develop.
On this page you will find creative ideas, resources and activities relating to wisdom which you can use in your Bible lessons, kidmin, Sunday school, kid’s ministry, elementary school or homeschooling.