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Theme: Altar / sacrifice

Altar / sacrifice in the Bible: Creative activities for your children's ministry

The use of altars and sacrifices is a significant aspect of worship in the Old Testament. It is a practice that dates back to the earliest stories in the Bible, such as Cain and Abel offering their sacrifices to God. We also see Noah offering sacrifices after the flood, Abraham building altars to offer sacrifices to God, and Jacob making a covenant with God through an altar. Even Moses and the Israelites used altars and sacrifices to worship and thank God for His provision and deliverance.

The act of building an altar and making a sacrifice was often an expression of gratitude to God. In the Bible, we see great things happening when an altar is built and a sacrifice made. Powerful covenants are established, and God often intervenes in miraculous ways, such as with Elijah on Mount Carmel where God sent down fire to consume the sacrifice.

With the construction of the first temple in Jerusalem, altars and sacrifices were no longer made in the open air but within the temple. However, the practice continued as an essential part of worship and thanksgiving to God.

On this page, you will find creative ideas, resources, and activities relating to the topic of altars which you can use in your children’s ministry, kid’s church, Sunday school, or Christian primary school. You can explore the significance of altars and sacrifices in the Bible and how they relate to our worship today. You can also help children understand the importance of gratitude and thanksgiving in our lives as Christians.

Discover all 48 activities and ideas