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Theme: Money / wealth

Money / wealth in the Bible: Creative activities for your children's ministry

Money and wealth are topics that appear frequently in the Bible, with various references to both throughout its pages. The Bible teaches about the importance of using money and wealth in a responsible and God-honoring way, and provides guidance for how to manage these resources in a way that reflects our faith.

For example, the Bible emphasizes the importance of generosity and helping those in need, and cautions against greed and hoarding wealth. The book of Proverbs, for example, contains numerous verses that encourage wise and responsible stewardship of money and resources.

As children's workers, it is important to teach children about the role of money and wealth in the Bible. By exploring biblical teachings on these topics, children can learn to view their resources as gifts from God and develop a strong sense of responsibility for how they use them. Through stories and teachings from the Bible, children can learn to be wise stewards of the resources they have been given, and to use them in ways that honor God and serve others.

On this page you will find creative ideas, resources and activities relating to money and wealth which you can use in your kid’s work, kidsmin, Sunday school lessons or Christian elementary school.

Discover all 42 activities and ideas