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Theme: Doubt

Doubt in the Bible: Creative activities for your children's ministry

Faith and doubt are common experiences that we all go through in our lives. Even individuals in the Bible, who are considered heroes of the faith, experienced moments of doubt.

Take Abraham, for example, who doubted God's promise of a son and Sarah's ability to conceive, or Thomas, who doubted the resurrection of Jesus.

What is so beautiful about the Bible is that it presents real people with real struggles. Through their stories, we can see that it is natural to have moments of doubt and uncertainty, and that we can still have faith even in those moments.

On this page, you will find a variety of creative ideas, resources, and activities related to the theme of doubt.

These resources can be used in your Bible lessons, kidmin, kid's ministry, elementary school, or homeschooling.]

By emphasizing the theme of doubt, children can learn that it is normal to question and have uncertainties, and that faith can still be present in those moments.

Discover all 75 activities and ideas