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Game - OT: Abram (5) and a pregnant Hagar - Playing Bingo with God's names

A fun Bingo game on the different Hebrew names of God in the Bible

With a worksheet featuring twenty Old Testament names of God, children will have the opportunity to playfully discover these names while also engaging in tactical thinking. Divided into two groups, each group will have a set of names with either odd or even numbers. Using a large dice, each group will take turns rolling the die four times, aiming to cross off all the names on their worksheet.

This activity is part of a complete Sunday school lesson on the Bible story in Genesis 16: 1-16 of Hagar running away from the bullying Sarai and being found by God. 

194-3fc811a4 Game - OT: Abram (5) and a pregnant Hagar - Playing Bingo with God's names

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