Creative activities and ideas based on the biblical figure of Sergius Paulus (governor)
Sergius Paulus was a Roman proconsul and a prominent official in the city of Paphos on the island of Cyprus. He is mentioned in the New Testament in Acts 13, where he is described as an intelligent man who summoned the apostle Paul and Barnabas to hear the word of God. During their visit, Sergius Paulus became a believer in Jesus Christ, but was opposed by a Jewish false prophet named Elymas. Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, rebuked Elymas and he was struck blind. Sergius Paulus was amazed at the power of God and came to faith in Jesus Christ, becoming one of the first Gentile converts in the New Testament.
We have compiled a range of creative ideas and activities below that relate to this Biblical person. These resources are designed to help you teach important life lessons in an engaging and interactive way, whether you are a children's ministry leader, a Sunday school teacher, or a religious educator in a Christian primary school.
Our activities below are suitable for use in various settings such as church children's programs, children's ministry, catechism classes, children's services, Bible clubs, vacation Bible school, and Sunday school, and will help students understand the relevance of the Bible to their lives, and the importance of applying its teachings in practical ways.