The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand is a story told by Jesus in Luke 8:16 and Luke 11:33. In this parable, Jesus uses the image of a lamp on a stand to emphasize the importance of living a life that is authentic and visible. He says that no one lights a lamp and hides it under a bowl or a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand so that those who enter may see the light.
This parable challenges us to examine our own lives and the ways in which we are living out our faith. It emphasizes the need to let our light shine before others, to be authentic and visible in our beliefs and actions. It also reminds us that we are called to be a light to the world, reflecting the love and grace of God to those around us.
We have compiled a range of creative ideas and activities that relate to the Parable of the Lamp on a Stand. These resources are designed to help you share this important message in an engaging and interactive way, whether you are a children's ministry leader, a Sunday school teacher, or a religious educator in a Christian primary school.
Our resources are suitable for use in various settings such as church children's programs, children's ministry, catechism classes, children's services, Bible clubs, vacation Bible school, and Sunday school, and will help students understand the importance of living a life that is authentic and visible, and of being a light to the world.