Creative activities based on the Bible story of Peter in Lydda en Joppa
The Bible story of Peter's travels in Lydda and Joppa, found in Acts 9:31-43, is a fascinating and inspiring story. After his conversion, Peter traveled throughout the region, sharing the gospel message and performing miracles. During his travels, he visited the towns of Lydda and Joppa and performed miracles there. He healed a man who had been paralysed for many years and even raised a woman named Tabitha from the dead. This story teaches children about the power of God to work through us to perform amazing things and how faith in Jesus can transform people's lives.
On this page you will find creative ideas, resources and activities relating to the Bible story Peter´s travels in Lydda and Joppa, which you can use in your Bible lessons, kidmin, kid’s ministry, elementary school or homeschooling.